Introducing - Administrator Training: Cloudera Base on Premises



Course Length
122 mins

OnDemand Moderation



Welcome to our Introduction Series for Cloudera Education. The following contains excerpts from a course that is part of our full OnDemand Training Library. The complete library is available for purchase. Upon completion you will see a path to continue your Cloudera training journey. Many courses include hands-on labs and the OnDemand library comes with 100 hands-on lab hours to practice the concepts and exercises taught. Please enjoy this section of your selected course to help you on your data journey.

Disclaimer - The following descriptions and objectives are for the full course.

About This Course

Cloudera's OnDemand training course for Cloudera Base provides the fundamental knowledge necessary to carry out the planning, provisioning, configuration, monitoring, and management tasks required of an Cloudera administrator as a bare metal deployment or as the base for a Cloudera on premises deployment.

Course Length

This course includes over 7 hours of video content. Hands-on exercises will take approximately 9.5 hours. 

Audience and Prerequisites

This course is best suited to systems administrators who have at least basic Linux experience. Prior knowledge of Cloudera, nor earlier platforms such as Cloudera’s CDH or Hortonworks HDP, is not required.

Note: If you do have experience with CDH or HDP as an administrator, you might prefer Cloudera for CDH Administrators or Cloudera for HDP Administrators.


Through instructor-led discussion and demonstrations, you will learn how to:

  • Install Cloudera Manager
  • Use Cloudera Manager to install a Cloudera Base cluster
  • Configure and monitor the cluster using Cloudera Manager
  • Understand, evaluate, and select the most appropriate data storage option
  • Optimize cluster performance
  • Perform routine cluster maintenance tasks
  • Detect, troubleshoot, and repair problems with the cluster

Added about 6 hours ago, by Mathias
Added about 6 hours ago, by David
Added about 9 hours ago, by Umesh
Added about 19 hours ago, by Sachin kumar
Thank you and excellent content.
Added 1 day ago, by Vasile
Very good start for admins
Added 6 days ago, by Mario
Added 7 days ago, by Tejan
Contains very basics contents
Added 10 days ago, by Abdelaziz
Added 12 days ago, by Khaled
Added 28 days ago, by Elian
awesome training

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